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Title: Partial relinquishment report EL 28902 Maud Creek Project 30 March 2012 to 29 March 2018
Title Holder / Company: PNX Metals
Newmarket Gold NT Holdings
Report id: CR2018-0237
Tenure: EL28902
Year: 2018
Author: Bennett, A
Abstract: EL 28902 forms the southern portion of the Maud Creek Project. The licence was granted on 30 March 2012. This report documents the exploraiton activities completed on the relinquished area of EL 28902 for the period ending 29 March 2018. The geology of EL 28902 comprises folded Palaeoproterozioc meta-sedimentary and volcaniclastic sequences. These are unconformably overlain by the Meso-Proterozoic Kombolgie Sandstone, which forms scarps. Flat-lying areas are covered by Cambrian Antrim Plateau basalts and Cambro-Ordovician limestone covers much of the southern part of EL 28902. Economically important rock units of the project area comprise greywackes, mudstones and tuffs of the Palaeoproterozioc Tollis Formation. The Maud Dolerite intrudes the Tollis Formation and forms irregular bodies up to 200, in width. The margins of the Maud Dolerite are strongly sheared, with mineralised quartz-filled shear zones. The Tollis Formation hosts the Maud Creek Project on adjacent tenements. The only activity undertaken on the relinquished portion of EL 28902 during the term was the collection and analysis of 43 stream sediment samples. Results of the assays within the relinquished section highlighted one anomalous sample which returned 9.7ppb Au on the eastern boundary of the tenement. The significance of this isolated result is not fully understood, and it deserves a more detailed investigation, however it is deemed a low priority given the lack of other sample support or any obvious target source.
Date Added: 5-Nov-2018
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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