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Title: 2012 Bridging report for amalgamated annual technical report group GR222 Ooratippra Project
Title Holder / Company: CKA Resources
Report id: CR2012-1179
Tenure: EL27526;  EL27568;  EL27626;  EL27714;  EL27715;  EL27716;  EL27717;  EL27718;  EL27719;  EL27720;  EL28308
Year: 2011
Author: Chapman, A
Abstract: During the reporting period CKA submitted and was granted Collaboration funding to drill a single diamond hole at residual gravity anomaly F (an IOCG residual gravity target beneath the Georgina basin sediments) within EL 27526. A 400m spaced detailed gravity survey was completed over anomalies S, D, K and O within EL 27526 (and partially over EL 27718). A total of 300 stations were measured (297 within EL 27526 and 3 within EL 27718). Also a 1km space gravity survey was completed over EL 28308 (237 stations). After interpretation of this detailed gravity work, the collaboration drill target was changed to anomaly D and a single diamond drill hole was drilled to a depth of 760m. The hole successfully drilled through the Georgina Basin Cambrian cover and into underlying basement rocks confirming the presence of basement at 600m. Basement consisted of altered mafic-ultramafic rocks cut by numerous felsic-intermediate porphyries. A significant shear zone was intersected at 740m with an approximate down-hole width of 12m. Significant sulphides are present within the porphyry dykes with the main sulphide mineral being pyrite. The completed hole indicates that the gravity anomaly at anomaly D is caused by dense ultramafic/mafic basement rocks within less dense basement rocks (eg granites) beneath the carbonate sediments of the Georgina Basin. The mafic unit identified in CKAD0001 is likely to be a fault bounded sliver within the PuttaPutta fault zone probably uplifted compared to the deeper basement intersections in older holes to the south east. The prospectivity for presence of kimberlitic pipes, MVT type deposits and IOCG mineralisation at the Ooratippra project has not been eliminated by this program however, CKAD0001 has provided significant insight into the analysis of the gravity anomalies in the region and the nature of the basin geometry.
Date Added: 5-Nov-2018
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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