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Title: East Mereenie 13 A Petrological Examination of Cuttings from the Pacoota P3 Interval
Report id: CSR0146
Year: 1984
Author: Martin, K
Corporate Author: Not known
Abstract: East Mereenie 13 was drilled to test the reservoir potential of the middle to lower Pacoota P3 sub-unit reservoir. A secondary objective was to provide information on the distribution of potential Pacoota P1 reservoir sands. No cores of dst's were attempted due to the high risk of getting stuck in such a deviated well. The well was perforated but did not flow properly. Better flows are hoped after future recompletion.
NOTESeixmic line MM83-20S, SP 2079
Document Type: Core Analysis
Date Added: 27-Sep-2018
Appears in Collections:Core Sampling Reports

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