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Title: EL 29046 Third annual report for the period 3 July 2014 to 2 July 2015
Title Holder / Company: GRIGM Resources
Report id: CR2015-0416
Tenure: EL29046
Year: 2015
Author: Lu, J
Abstract: Results of rock chip samples collected along an 1800 metre section of the Cu-bearing dolomitic siltstone-shale show that the copper content of the samples is relatively high. Seven out of nine samples are with copper content ranging from 0.89percent to 3.17percent, averaging at 1.58percent. Results of soil geochemistry survey carried out in selected section show higher copper content in soil related to the Cu-bearing green-grey dolomitic siltstone-shale near the bottom of Areyonga Formation.
Date Added: 14-Aug-2018
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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