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Title: EL 29046 First annual report for the period 3 July 2012 to 2 July 2013
Title Holder / Company: GRIGM Resources
Report id: CR2013-0497
Tenure: EL29046
Year: 2013
Author: Jiang, Z
Lu, J
Abstract: During the year, a detailed review of the previous exploration work has been conducted and a field reconnaissance trip carried out. A fault at east part of the prospect area of EL 29046 has been confirmed in the field investigation. It may be a passing channel and made contribution for the ore-forming hydrothermal fluid activities. A fold in the west of the fault has been identified. It may a single fold with tight southern wing and broad northern wing or a complex fold, especially in the north. Axis of the fold is generally in east-west direction and the fold contacts with eastern Aileron Province metamorphic rocks by the fault. Two copper mineral occurrences are present in the both northern and southern wings of the fold with ore-forming anomalies along the wings and the fold hinge space. It may suggest a stratabound mineralisation within the fold and the hinge space would be the most interesting area for prospecting.
Date Added: 14-Aug-2018
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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