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Title: Annual technical report SEL 25429 Jervois for the year ending 1 February 2009
Title Holder / Company: Reward Minerals
Report id: CR2009-0015
Tenure: SEL25429
Year: 2009
Author: Cranley, N
Abstract: SEL 25429 'Jervois' , is located in the Proterozoic terrain of the Arunta Inlier. The tenement is to the east and south of the mineral leases which cover the gossanous outcrop of the Jervois Mine and its extensions along strike. SEL 25429 has a total area of approximately 110.9km2 (35 blocks). MIM Exploration Pty Ltd (MIMEX) applied for the original tenement (EL 10149) in September 1999 and was both manager and operator of the subsequent Joint Venture project. Exploration conducted by MIMEX focused on finding structurally controlled high grade Mt Isa-style copper and Broken Hill-style base metals mineralisation, as well as Fe-oxide associated copper -gold mineralisation. Following the termination of the joint venture, the tenement reverted to Solbec Pharmaceuticals as per the JV agreement. The purpose of this report is to detail exploration conducted by Reward Minerals Limited within SEL 25429 during the year ended 1 February 2009. This report does not describe the previous exploration at Jervois, as this was set out in some detail in previous years? reports. SEL 25429 lies on the Huckitta 1: 250 000 map sheet (SF 53-11), for which geological notes are available. The tenement is located mainly within the Palaeo-Proterozoic Bonya Schist on the north eastern boundary of the Arunta Orogenic Domain. The Arunta Orogenic Domain in the north western part of the tenement is overlain unconformably by Neo- Proterozoic sediments of the Georgina Basin. The prospective lithologies within the tenement are considered to be contained within the Bonya Schist, Division 2 of Arunta Orogenic Domain (Freeman, 1986). This unit is made up of quartzo- feldspathic muscovite and sericite schists, ranging from pelitic to psammo- pelitic in composition, and has local occurrences of cordierite, sillimanite, garnet and andalusite. The mine sequence, in addition to these lithologies, also contains chlorite schist, garnet magnetite, quartzite, magnetite quartzite, calc-siIcates, and impure marbles. Reward currently holds tenure over the historic Jervois Mine area (Marshall-Reward to Bellbird), as well as over a large tract of similar geology which is less well understood. On the basis of the known geology this outer area could well host a large base metal deposit. It is hoped that work carried out in the mineralised zone between Marshall-Reward and Bellbird will lead to an economic discovery in that vicinity, but it may also provide a key to exploration within the broader area currently held as exploration licence SEL 25429. Current drilling at the Marshall-Reward and Bellbird prospects is providing new information regarding the lithological and metamorphic setting of the mineralisation and its structural geometry all of which can be applied to SEL 25429. One RC drilling programs totalling 25 holes for 4144 metres were completed, testing 4 main areas ? the historic mining centres at Bellbird North (9 holes), Reward (6 holes), Green Parrot (7 holes) and Cox's Find (2 holes).
Date Added: 25-Jul-2018
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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SEL25429_2009_A_04_Jervois_Surveys.csv14.22 kBUnknown Add

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