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Title: MCN 5092 Bynoe Annual report for the period ending 7 October 2009 Labelle
Title Holder / Company: Outback Metals
Report id: CR2009-1027
Tenure: MCN5092
Year: 2009
Author: Fraser, WJ
Abstract: MCN 5092 is located about 80km SSW of Darwin and immediately to the east of Labelle Downs. The geology is subcrop of the Paleoproterozoic Two Sisters Granite. Pegmatite dyke swarms within the granite host low grade tin, tantalum and niobium mineralisation. During the past year Outback Metals Limited have carried out a review of the previous exploration and geological data. The prevailing metal prices were not amenable to carrying out any development studies. The situation will be reviewed during 2010.
Date Added: 20-Jul-2018
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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