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Title: Extended Union Consolidated annual report 1 January 2009 to 31 December 2009
Title Holder / Company: Genat, I
Genat, J
Union Extended
Report id: CR2009-1124
Tenure: MLN775;  MLN776;  MLN777;  MLN778;  MCN570;  MCN571;  MCN697;  MCN698;  MCN1556
Year: 2009
Author: Genat, B
Abstract: This report details activity carried out during 2009 by Ian Genat within the Union Extended Project, MLN's 775, 776, 777 and 778, and MCN's 570, 571, 697, 698 and 1556. During the reporting period site infrastructure surveying work continued across several tenements, and remedial rehabilitation on MCN's 570 and 697 was completed. The Union Extended Project is on a care and maintenance regime while surveying and mapping of site infrastructure, historical workings and previous drill intersections of interest are carried out to identify exploration targets.
Date Added: 12-Jul-2018
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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