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Title: Annual report 2009 MCN 664, MCN 1048 and MCN 1049 Fisher alluvials
Title Holder / Company: Perhouse, J
Report id: CR2009-1072
Tenure: MCN664;  MCN1048;  MCN1049
Year: 2009
Author: Perhouse, J
Abstract: MCN 664 covers an alluival gold prospect. MCN 1048 and 1049 cover a dam and plant site for alluvial workings. Due to contractual obligations with the Granites Mine work in relation to the above tenements have not been done for the previous year, we will inform the Department when we intend to start i.e. MMP etc.
Date Added: 12-Jul-2018
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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