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Title: The Role of sandstone diagenesis and aquifer evolution in the formation of uranium and zinc-lead deposits, southern McArthur Basin, Northern Territory, Australia
Report id: CSR0208
Year: 2006
Author: Polito, PA
Kyser, KT
Jackson, J
Corporate Author: Department of Geological Sciences and Geological Engineering, Queen's University, Ontario, Canada
Drillhole/Well Name: McA14;  82/4;  WE1;  DD95GC001;  DD95GC007;  DD91DC1
Abstract: The results presented in this study show that clastic sediments dominated by poorly sorted sandstone and conglomerate facies evolved through burial diagenesis to become aquifer lithologic units that hosted basinal brines with chemical characteristics and ages similar to those that are reported from the Pb-Zn and U deposits of the southern McArthur basin.
NOTEArticle published in: Economic Geology, v. 101, pp. 1189-1209 [2006], Society of Economic Geologists, Inc.
Document Type: Core Analysis
Date Added: 5-Jul-2018
Appears in Collections:Core Sampling Reports

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