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Title: Reprocessing Project Review Of Available Seismic Field Data in EP93 & EP97
Title Holder / Company: Central Petroleum
Report id: PR2015-0033
Tenure: EP97;  EP93
Year: 2014
Corporate Author: Central Petroleum
Abstract: In 2014 Central Petroleum had undertaken a collation of legacy seismic data that overlaps EP93 and EP97 to be reprocessed to improve the image quality of the seismic lines acquired previously. The main objective was to undertake this reprocessing project prior to planning future and locating additional seismic acquisitions in EP93 and EP97. No reprocessing was actually undertaken.
NOTENo reprocessing was actually undertaken by Central Petroleum.
Document Type: Seismic Processing
Date Added: 16-Apr-2018
Appears in Collections:Petroleum Geophysical Surveys (PEX Geophysics)

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