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Title: Combined annual report for EL 25136 and EL 25242 year two period ending 11 September 2008 Green Alligator Project Batchelor
Title Holder / Company: Korab Resources
Report id: CR2008-0621
Tenure: EL25136;  EL25242
Year: 2008
Author: Earthrowl, JA
Abstract: The area is prospective for the following commodities: uranium, copper, cobalt, nickel, lead, silver, gold, phosphate, magnesium and platinum/palladium. With these tenements Korab Resources is testing relatively unexplored ground and therefore will examine the tenements with an open mind. In the case of uranium the exploration methods used will cover the possibilities of Vein-Type uranium mineralization being present, as is known south of Adelaide River township. Rock chip samples were collected on the reconnaissance traverses whenever a different stratigraphic unit or gossanous material was encountered. Their locations were GPS recorded, the lithology described, a sample number assigned and a 1-2 kg sample submitted for assay. All rock samples were submitted to the Darwin based laboratory, Northern Territory Environmental Laboratories (NTEL). Assay methods and detection limits were chosen commensurate with the grades expected. Samples were routinely analysed for Cu, Co, Ni, Pb, Zn, U and Au. Total count scintillometer readings were taken at approximately 20 metre intervals along all traverses. If on an EW or NS traverse, control was by maintaining the GPS reading.On an irregular traverse along a creek or fenceline readings were taken at approximately paced intervals of 20m.and the GPS reading recorded. Total count radiometrics were taken with an SAIG Exploranium GR - 110-G scintillometer. Readings were taken with the instrument on the ground and after an averaged 10 second accumulation. Field work on both tenements has successfully tested their stratigraphy and upgraded their mineral potential. One stratigraphic unit, the Mt Deane Volcanic Member, has returned anomalous base metal and gold values that warrant follow up.
Date Added: 5-Mar-2018
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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CR20080621_2008_GA_01.pdf2.15 MBPDF Add
CR20080621_2008_GA_02_Creek_Bed_Traverse.xls32.5 kBMicrosoft Excel Add
CR20080621_2008_GA_03_East-West_Traverse_on_8559900N.xls30.5 kBMicrosoft Excel Add
CR20080621_2008_GA_04_EL25136_Power_Line_Traverse.xls32.5 kBMicrosoft Excel Add
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