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Title: Annual report for EL 25657 Cloughs Dam for the period 30 August 2007 to 29 August 2008 year 1
Title Holder / Company: Western Desert Resources
Report id: CR2008-0457
Tenure: EL25657
Year: 2008
Author: Fabray, J
Abstract: The Exploration Licence has been little explored in the past. It is prospective for uranium, rare earths and base metal deposits. A regional stream sediment survey with helicopter support was completed during May 2008. The survey covered the entire tenement and 134 samples were collected. A sample of -5mm stream sediment was collected from each site. This was split off-site and one portion was retained for BLEG analysis for gold and the other portion was sieved to -40# for multi-element analysis by ICP-Mass Spectrometry. All of the analyses were carried out by ALS Chemex. Three water bores in the north eastern part of the licence were sampled. The results of the stream sediment survey show some anomalous areas for Ce, La, U and Th, which will require ground follow-up. Two creeks in the northern part of the EL, samples CD10 and 11, show weakly anomalous base metal values and will require ground checking. The results from the BLEG sampling are not considered to be anomalous. Anomalous water geochemistry has been reported from two of the water bores sampled.
Date Added: 2-Jan-2018
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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