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Title: Tennant Creek 2D Crustal Reflection Seismic Survey, NT 2015
Year: 2015
Corporate Author: Geoscience Australia
Abstract: The Tennant Creek seismic reflection survey was co-funded by the Northern Territory Government through the Creating Opportunities for Resource Exploration (CORE) initiative and Emmerson Resources Limited. HiSeis Pty Ltd acquired two-dimensional (2D) regional seismic reflection data proximal to the Tennant Creek town site and mining facilities over 9 days during June 2015 on behalf of Emmerson Resources Limited. Geoscience Australia, as part of the Exploring for the Future funding, provided specialised hard-rock seismic data processing to image deep crustal structures and sedimentary layers at the near surface. The objective of the 2D survey was to outline previously unidentified areas of prospectivity in the Tennant Creek Mineral Field by seismically imaging the upper crust along the line to improve understanding of regional geological architecture.
Publisher: Geoscience Australia
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Document Type: Seismic Survey
Access Constraint: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0). Please observe and retain any copyright or related notices that accompany this material and give attribution to: Commonwealth of Australia (Geoscience Australia).
Date Added: 13-Dec-2017
Appears in Collections:Geophysical and Remote Sensing Data

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