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Title: Annual exploration report ERL 89 for period ending 18 September 2007 Big Howley Burnside Project NT
Title Holder / Company: GBS Gold Australia
Report id: CR2007-0449
Tenure: ERL89
Year: 2007
Author: Bajwah, ZU
Abstract: During the reporting period, a technical review of the data collected in previous exploration programs was undertaken which identified gold potential of the area. During 2007-08, data integration into DataShed will continue. In addition, further soil-rock geochemical sampling and drilling is required to assess the full potential of the area. It appears that further exploration will be undertaken in conjunction with SEL 25748. A mineral lease application (MLN 1129) covering the entire licence has been submitted and approval is being expedited.
NOTEPlease note wrong year on cover in title of report.
Date Added: 7-Nov-2017
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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