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Title: Annual report on EL 25794 from 11 June 2008 to 10 June 2009
Title Holder / Company: Legend International Investments
Report id: CR2009-0472
Tenure: EL25794
Year: 2009
Abstract: EL 25794 is located about 1250 km south of Darwin and 120 km north of Alice Springs Australia. It covers 450 sub blocks (1215 km2) on the Hermannsburg (1:250 000) sheet. EL was granted to Legend International Investment Pty Ltd on 11 June 2008 for a period of six years, and will expire on 10 June 2014. The project area comprises Palaeoproterozoic rocks of the Arunta Block along with possibility of Amadeus Basin stratigraphy, now covered by Quaternary sediments. These rocks are represented by Narwietooma Metamorphics, Mount Hay Granulite, Mount Chapple Metamorphics, Bunghara Metamorphics and Forty Five Augen gneiss, probably intruded by granites at depth. During the reporting period technical review of the project area was undertaken. In previous exploration programs, mineral potential of EL 25794 has been highlighted. Lithological and geological setting of these rocks suggest that they have potential for hosting uranium, copper and gold mineralisation. There is also possibility of carbonatite which could have REE and uranium mineralisation as discovered in the northern part of Arunta Block e.g. Nolan Bore. In the project area detailed investigation of rock types, geochemistry and high resolution geophysical data are lacking, which are critical in the evaluation of geological setting. It is proposed that area covered by EL 25794 should be mapped in detail and rock samples should be collected for petrographic and geochemical evaluation for a variety of mineralisation. Area will be flown by high resolution geophysical survey such as magnetic and radiometric initially to assess mineral potential of the project area. This program will lead to select targets for further perusal which will ultimately lead to RC/RAB drilling.
Date Added: 2-Nov-2017
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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