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Title: Annual report for GR387 East Amadeus Project
Title Holder / Company: Jia Aojia
Report id: CR2016-0125
Tenure: EL30353;  EL30354;  EL30355;  EL30356;  EL30357;  EL30358
Year: 2016
Author: Lindsay-Park, K
Abstract: No field work and only a minor amount of office work has been undertaken in the first year of tenure. Most of the time has been spent waiting for the Foreign Investment Review Board (FIRB) to approve the acquisition of the license. Following the approval being given an application was made to the Minister to allow the transfer of the license from Aojia to Jia Aojia. The transfer was approved on February 29th, 2016. Planning of the exploration program for 2016 is well advanced and soon to be implemented.
Date Added: 25-Oct-2017
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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