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Title: GR351 Second annual report for EL 29951, EL 29952, EL 29954 and EL 29955 for the year ending 21 November 2015
Title Holder / Company: Ripple Resources
Report id: CR2015-0816
Tenure: EL29951;  EL29952;  EL29954;  EL29955
Year: 2015
Author: Wilkins, NA
Abstract: The Frogtech basin analysis has identified fault bound sub basins near the LP3 sulphide intersection. The depths to HYC equivalent targets are not favourable for most of these, but EM conductors and geochemical anomalies suggests that mineralisation may be much closer to the surface, perhaps in the Caranbirini member of the Lynott formation. The shallowest HYC member drill targets are on the eastern margin of the Ripple ELS. It is estimated that holes 500m deep would be sufficient in this area. A Ripple application for the adjacent ground is in competition with MMI who examined Ripple data prior to their application. Any decision on drill targets should wait for the outcome of the application. The southern part of the project area has been confirmed by CSIRO research as being prospective for mineralisation in the Wollogorang and McDermott formations. Geophysical coverage (Falcon or seismic) is needed to generate more specific drill targets.
Date Added: 24-Sep-2017
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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