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Title: First annual report on Alice Springs Project EL24817
Title Holder / Company: Genesis Resources
Report id: CR2007-0086
Tenure: EL24817
Year: 2007
Author: Kastellorizos, P
Abstract: This report describes the results of literature research and target generation based on re-interpretation of magnetic/radiometric data carried out during the first year of the Licence. During the month of January 2007, a review of re-processed and re-interpretation of magnetic and radiometric data from the Northern Territory Geological Survey Database was undertaken. The geophysical images were processed by Asis International Pty Ltd for the specific purpose of identifying regional exploration uranium - base metal targets for the 2nd year of tenure. Extensive exploration magnetic and radiometric targets were outlined. Several first order and second order high priority magnetic and radiometric targets were identified which warrant extensive work.
Date Added: 3-Sep-2017
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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