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Title: Noonamah Quarry, Elizabeth Valley, Annual report 2011
Title Holder / Company: Holcim Australia
Report id: CR2011-1246
Tenure: MLN387;  MLN388;  MLN389;  MLN392;  MLN393;  MLN394;  MLN396;  MLN397
Year: 2011
Abstract: In 2001, Holcim, then CSR Readymix, prepared a Notice Of Intent with intentions of extracting the hard rock. Shortly after, local residents and environmental groups worked to reduce mining activities in the area. The load rating on the local roads was reduced to 10t, which eliminated any heavy traffic out of the quarry. As a result, extraction and haulage of the material was made difficult and there has been little to no activity on the site. Holcim plans to conduct assessments in the future with intentions of finding a solution to the haulage issue.
Date Added: 4-Aug-2017
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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