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Title: Browns leases MLNs 139 - 147 and MLN 150 - 152 Annual report completed for the year ended 31 December 2006
Title Holder / Company: Compass Resources
Report id: CR2006-0681
Tenure: MLN139;  MLN140;  MLN141;  MLN142;  MLN143;  MLN144;  MLN145;  MLN146;  MLN147;  MLN150;  MLN151;  MLN152
Year: 2006
Abstract: During 2006 a campaign of diamond and reverse circulation drilling commenced in the Browns mining leases. A total of 21 reverse circulation and 4 diamond drill holes (06BD08B with 3 wedges) were completed to define base metal mineralisation. Two further diamond drill holes were also drilled for metallurgical sampling. These efforts proved successful in defining the Browns oxide and sulphide resources more accurately.
Date Added: 27-Jun-2017
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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CR20060681_2006_GA.pdf51.36 kBPDF Add
CR2006-0681_Appendix1_Assays.zip162.35 kBZIP Add
CR2006-0681_Appendix2_Drill_Logs.zip469.23 kBZIP Add
CR2006-0681_Appendix3_Collars_and_Surveys.zip21.35 kBZIP Add
CR2006-0681_Appendix4_Maps_and_Sections.zip1.05 MBZIP Add
CR2006-0681_Appendix5_Logging_Codes.zip12.96 kBZIP Add

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