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Title: Annual and final exploration report for EL 10213 'Maud Creek East', period ending 18 April 2006
Title Holder / Company: GBS Gold Australia
Terra Gold Mining
Report id: CR2006-0223
Tenure: EL10213
Year: 2006
Author: Smith, BR
Abstract: EL 10213 was granted for 6 years from 20th June 2000. The tenement was cancelled when SEL 25054 was granted on 18th April 2006. This report summarises the activities on EL 10213 for the past 6 years. Work consisted of examination of the airborne magnetic features and topography as an aid to plan fieldwork in 2002, part of a photogeological interpretation in 2003, and a literature review/data compilation in 2006. A full exploration programme was not carried out due to numerous management/staff/budget changes during the life of tenure. GBS (through subsidiary Terra Gold Mining) have planned work on SEL 25054, which is outlined in the Maud Creek MMP submitted last month.
NOTEData incomplete appendix 1 missing
Date Added: 27-Jun-2017
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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