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Title: Final and annual exploration report EL 9588 Golden Wall year ending 8 December 2006
Title Holder / Company: Territory Goldfields
Buffalo Creek Mines
GBS Gold Australia
Report id: CR2006-0632
Tenure: EL9588
Year: 2006
Author: Bajwah, ZU
Abstract: EL 9588 is located approximately 130 km south southeast of Darwin on the Tipperary 1:100,000 scale map sheet. It was granted to Northern Gold N.L. on the 10th of December, 1996, for a period of six years. Compulsory reductions were waived in November, 1998, and December, 1999, enabling 2 blocks to be retained until the 9th of December, 2000. A request for a further renewal was successful, expiring on 9 December 2006. Since then EL 9588 has been applied to be incorporated within Substitute Exploration Licence (SEL) 24352. EL 9588 straddles a sheared synclinal structure within Burrell Creek Formation clastic rocks, the lowermost formation of the Finniss River Group. The Group is conformable with the underlying Mt Bonnie Formation of the South Alligator Group. The sequence strikes north westerly parallel to the Howley Anticline that lies to the east A number of exploration campaigns have been carried out to locate gold mineralisation including geological mapping, geochemical sampling, geophysical and remote sensing interpretation and structural analyses. Although some gold anomalism was detected but significant mineralisation has not been discovered so far. However, importance of the EL remains high for discovery of gold mineralisation due to its close proximity to the well known Howley group of gold deposits.
Date Added: 8-Jun-2017
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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