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Title: Annual exploration report for EL 24409 'Brocks South West', for the period ending 5 May 2006
Title Holder / Company: Buffalo Creek Mines
Territory Goldfields
GBS Gold Australia
Report id: CR2006-0187
Tenure: EL24409
Year: 2006
Author: Smith, BR
Abstract: EL 24409 occupies an area between the John Bull - Zapopan line of mineralisation (Brocks Creek shear zone) and the Howley anticline to the south and west. Mapped geology is dominantly Burrell Creek Formation, with some Mount Bonnie Formation sediments cropping out in the southern portion of the Licence. Work during Year 1 comprised a data compilation and review of all available geology and geophysical data. Anomalies from previous work were compiled. Geological mapping (especially in the northern area) and rock chip sampling of outcrops is planned for Year 2.
Date Added: 7-Jun-2017
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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