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Title: 2006 Annual report on the McKeddies prospect MCN 668 to MCN 671
Title Holder / Company: Whitvista
Report id: CR2006-0643
Tenure: MCN668;  MCN669;  MCN670;  MCN671
Year: 2006
Abstract: Whitvista Pty Ltd acquired the four tenements MCN 668 to 671 during the year 2006. A follow-up investigation of the McKeddies Prospect was undertaken in 2006 and it involved the identification of water bores. Lack of water has always caused difficulties in working on this location. As a result three bores were successfully located. Results from other work indicate that arenaceous sediments host the auriferous quartz veins and that the outcropping mineralised zones occur near the crest of an anticlinal fold. Although the mineralised zone appears to be continuous along strike for a distance of 250 metres, grades are highly variable and a strong nugget effect seems to be present. It is consequently impossible to predict the likely grade of gold mineralisation at depth. Further evaluation of the area would require drilling and a program would be suggested.
Date Added: 6-Jun-2017
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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