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Title: Annual exploration report Mt Bonnie West year ending December 19th 2006 EL23431
Title Holder / Company: GBS Gold Australia
Report id: CR2006-0553
Tenure: EL23431
Year: 2006
Author: Muir, M
Abstract: EL 23431 is centred 140km SE of Darwin, NT and 14km SE of Brocks Creek and is adjacent to the Mt Bonnie base metal deposit. EL 23431 is part of the Burnside Joint Venture, managed by Burnside Operations P/L comprising Territory Goldfields NL and Buffalo Creek Mines NL. The latter are subsidiaries of Northern Gold NL and Harmony Gold (Australia) P/L respectively. An agreement was signed in September 2005 that saw Harmony sell all its interest in the joint venture to Northern Gold NL. Subsequently Northern Gold NL has been taken over by GBS Gold of Canada. Work completed within EL 23431 has included: planning / review of data, administrative duties, and report preparation.
Date Added: 6-Jun-2017
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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