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Title: Annual exploration report for EL 23536 for the period ending 28 July 2006 Mount Osborne, Burnside Project
Title Holder / Company: Buffalo Creek Mines
Territory Goldfields
GBS Gold Australia
Report id: CR2006-0364
Tenure: EL23536
Year: 2006
Author: Smith, BR
Abstract: EL 23536 surrounds the southern and eastern edges of the Brocks Creek tenements. The dominant geology within the tenement is Burrell Creek sediments, with zones of Mt Bonnie Formation sediments near Fountainhead tenements. In the first 3 years of tenure work has consisted of a SPOT imagery / magnetics interpretation to determine structural trends in the area, plus a review of work done by previous explorers. A field visit identified an area of priority, and drilling is planned before the wet season, 2006.
Date Added: 5-Jun-2017
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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