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Title: EL 30756 Annual and final report for period ending 18 March 2017
Title Holder / Company: Red Metal
Report id: CR2017-0115
Tenure: EL30756
Year: 2017
Author: McKay, G
Abstract: EL 30756 was acquired by Red Metal Limited to investigate airborne magnetic anomalies within the Neoproterozoic Eastern Arunta Province (Irindina Province), considered to have potential for copper-nickel mineralisation in a continuation of the new style of pyrrhotite copper-cobalt mineralisation discovered in the region by Mithril Resources. The work carried out on EL 30756 during the second year of tenure included a review of geology and existing geophysical data. Red Metal's work in adjacent tenements suggested the potential for mineralisation was limited and it was decided to surrender EL 30756.
Date Added: 30-May-2017
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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