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Title: Amadeus Project EL 24704 Annual report for the period 8 March 2007 to 7 March 2008
Title Holder / Company: Scimitar Resources
Report id: CR2008-0025
Tenure: EL24704
Year: 2008
Author: McGuinness, S
Rust, A
Abstract: This report details the exploration activities carried out over Scimitar Resources Ltd. (Scimitar) licence EL 24704 as part of the Amadeus Project in the Northern Territory, during the period 8th March 2007 to 7th March 2008. Work included research, data base compilation, field reconnaissance, target generation and planning of drilling programmes. An RC drilling program associated with field mapping and ground based radiometric surveying is expected to commence at the project, during early 2008, targeting potential uranium mineralisation within the Undandita Sandstone Member. 50% of EL 24704 that is deemed not to be prospective for sediment-hosted uranium mineralisation was relinquished on the 31st January 2008.
Date Added: 10-May-2017
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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