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Title: Scrub Dam EL 30229 First Annual Report for the period 25 November 2014 to 24 November 2015
Title Holder / Company: Australian Minera Resources
Report id: CR2015-0842
Tenure: EL30229
Year: 2015
Author: Ji, H
Abstract: To have better understanding of the geological settings of the tenement, During March 2015 (16-18 March 2015), Australian Minera Resources Pty Ltd contracted an airborne geophysical survey using Thomson Aviation to acquire data coverage over EL 30229. The survey read both aeromagnetic and radiometric data at a nominal elevation of 30-40m above terrain and with flight lines spaced at 200 metres and tie lines at 2,000 metres. The survey was flown with a fixed wing Cessna 210 aircraft (VH-THS) using north-south traverse lines to optimally intersect the predominantly NNW-SSE structures and geological boundaries indicated by regional geophysics.
Date Added: 25-Apr-2017
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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