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Title: Partial reliniquishment report for EL 24360, 15 February 2017
Title Holder / Company: Australian Abrasive Minerals
Report id: CR2017-0046
Tenure: EL24360
Year: 2017
Author: Baxter, J
Abstract: Australian Abrasive Minerals Pty Ltd propose to relinquish part of EL 24360 being part of the Harts Range Garnet Project (GR078). The tenement is located along the valley of the Plenty River and covers 61 blocks. Australian Abrasive Minerals acquired the Harts Range Garnet Project from Matilda Zircon Ltd in 2009. It is proposed to retain 35 blocks of EL 24360 covering approximately 109 km2. This report is the partial relinquishment report for EL 24360. It is proposed to relinquish quadrants 2483 S,T and U; 2484 Q, R, S and T; 2555 T, U, W, X, Y and Z and 2556 R, S, T, V, W, X and Y. The area covered by the relinquishment area has been explored in a reconnaissance manner for garnet and uranium without success. Australian Abrasive Minerals has concluded that it has no specific further interest in this portion of the tenement as it does not form part of the Harts Range Garnet Project which includes the retained portion of EL 24360.
Date Added: 17-Apr-2017
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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