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Title: Organic petrography final report of Vaughton Siltstone outcrop
Report id: NTGS Technical Note 2016-007
Year: 2016
Author: Rodrigues, S
Revie, D
Barcelona, E
Abstract: Eight outcrop samples of the Vaughton Siltstone were collected by NTGS Geologist Daniel Revie during the 2016 field trip to the Blue Mud Bay 250K mapsheet region, East Arnhem Land with the aim to (a) measure the bitumen reflectance (BRo) to assess the maturity and (b) determine the Visual Kerogen Estimates.
NOTESee also Digital Information Package DIP014 and Blue Mud Bay, Northern Territory: explanatory notes
Previously referenced as Core Sample Report CSR0418.
Document Type: NTGS Technical Note
Core Analysis
Date Added: 23-Mar-2017
Appears in Collections:Reports, Records, Books

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