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Title: Results of palynological sampling conducted at the NTGS core shed
Report id: CSR0376
Year: 2015
Author: Harvey, J
Corporate Author: BHP
Groote Eylandt Mining Company (GEMCO)
Drillhole/Well Name: DDHFO1;  DDH14 - 44;  Bathurst Island 2;  RN07314;  RN06700;  RN07316;  RN07852;  RN08206;  RN08207;  RN08953;  RN8954;  RN09454;  RN20001;  RN20196;  RN20633;  RN20885;  RN20888;  RN20942;  RN20947;  RN21473;  RN21482;  RN21571;  RN22500;  RN22501;  RN22503;  RN23350;  RN23816;  RN23817;  RN23977;  RN23978;  RN24476;  RN24917;  RN25332;  RN25333;  RN26463;  RN26534;  RN27068;  RN27069;  RN27976;  RN28141;  RN33739;  RN33955;  RN34232
Abstract: Two sampling campaigns were carried out at the NTGS core shed where 40 holes were sampled with a total of 174 samples collected. Samples were submitted to Backhouse Biostrat for palynological analysis of spores and dynocyst assemblages.
NOTESee also CR1970-0005 and CR1971-0117.
Document Type: Core Analysis
Date Added: 23-Mar-2017
Appears in Collections:Core Sampling Reports

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