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Title: XRD analyses: drillcore Northern Territory
Report id: CSR0259
Year: 2013
Author: Bottrill, RS
Woolley, RN
Corporate Author: Department of Infrastructure, Energy and Resources. Mineral Resources Tasmania
Drillhole/Well Name: Undandita 1A;  FEND18
Abstract: Eight drillhole samples from two locations in the Northern Territory, were submitted for XRD by Bellnda Smith, Northern Territory Geological Survey (NTGS). The objective of this study is mostly to determine the presence or absence of anhydrite and gypsum in samples from the Amadeus Basin in the Northern Territory and of spessartine or grossular garnet in samples from the Pine Creek areas in the Northern Territory.
The XRD results confirm abundant anhydrite, dolomite and trace gypsum and talc in most of the Undandita samples, despite some differences between the TIR and SWIR analyses. The FEN018 amphibolite samples show garnet in only two samples and XRD suggests it may be spessartine. The garnet TIR signal in the other samples is inexplicable.
NOTESee also CR1998-0006, NTGS Technical Note 2013-003
Document Type: Core Analysis
Date Added: 23-Mar-2017
Appears in Collections:Core Sampling Reports

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