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Title: Mineralogical Report No. 8795
Report id: CSR0210
Year: 2006
Author: Purvis, A
Corporate Author: Pontifex and Associates
Drillhole/Well Name: LA05DD01
Abstract: This report presents descriptions of seventeen core samples from drillhole LA05DD01 in the Amadeus Basin in the southern part of the Northern Territory. These samples were impregnated with epoxy and made into thin sections. The deepest samples are siltstones and cherts at 587.9, 543 and 426.4m.An overlying Unit 2 consists of an upwards coarsening sandstone sequence with fine to medium sandstone at 407.5m, through to a pebbly very coarse-grained sandstone at 315m. Pebbly sandstone at 291.4m has very different pebbles. Eight shallower sandstones from 274.4 up to 61.05 are grouped as a Unit 4.
NOTEAlso see NTGS Record 2010-015
Document Type: Core Analysis
Date Added: 23-Mar-2017
Appears in Collections:Core Sampling Reports

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