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Title: A preliminary study of fractures in cores of Temp Vale 1 and Finke 1
Report id: CSR0197
Year: 2001
Author: Sun, X
Corporate Author: Sun Petroleum Geoservices
Drillhole/Well Name: Tempe Vale 1;  Finke 1
Abstract: Fracture development observed in cores is consistent with the structural style and pattern interpreted from seismic data. Densely developed fractures and microfaults were observed in cores of Tempe Vale-1, where the fractures are either open or only slightly filled. In this area, many faults were interpreted from seismic data, formed during the Alice Springs Orogeny. In Finke-1, vuggy and fractured dolomite of the 'Finke Bed' of the Bitter Springs Formation contains numerous long, high-angle to vertical hairline fractures.
NOTESee also CSR0134
Document Type: Core Analysis
Date Added: 23-Mar-2017
Appears in Collections:Core Sampling Reports

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