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Title: Carbonate reservoir rocks in the Mid-Late Proterozoic McArthur Group
Report id: CSR0114
Year: 1994
Corporate Author: N/A
Drillhole/Well Name: GRNT-79-7;  GRNT-79-8;  GRNT-79-9;  GR10;  GR11;  82/6;  82/7
Abstract: Original Studies of hydrocarbon occurrence discounted McArthur Group for the following reasons, lack of source rock, overmature sediments, lack of seal and reservoir rocks. This report proposes the McArthur Group can be considered prospective for the following reasons good oil prone alginitic source rocks, hydrocarbon shows large sections of source rocks are presently submature to mature for oil generation and the presence of reservoir rocks. Speculative assessment of reservoir potential is based on stratigraphic history and structural geology.
NOTESee also CR1980-0064, CR1981-0028, CR1983-0048
Document Type: Core Analysis
Date Added: 23-Mar-2017
Appears in Collections:Core Sampling Reports

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