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Title: Vitrinite Reflectance Determination and Maceral analyses. Keep River 1, Moyle 1, Kulshill 1, Kulshill 2
Report id: CSR0100
Year: 1983
Author: Watson, BL
Corporate Author: Western Mining
Australian Aquitaine Petroleum
Drillhole/Well Name: Keep River 1;  Kulshill 1;  Kulshill 2;  Moyle 1
Abstract: Ten coal and shale samples from the Bonaparte Gulf Basin, Northern Territory were received from Western Mining Corporation Limited, (Exploration Division-Eastern Region) for mean maximum vitrinite reflectance determinations and maceral analyses. The coals are chiefly vitrinertites and the organic matter varies.
Document Type: Core Analysis
Date Added: 23-Mar-2017
Appears in Collections:Core Sampling Reports

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