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Title: XRF and ALS assaying of water bore chips at Darwin Core Facility
Report id: CSR0069
Year: 2011
Author: Devencorn, B
Corporate Author: Natural Resources Exploration
Drillhole/Well Name: Waterbore holes
Abstract: Natural Resources Exploration Pty Ltd has acquired a number of tenements in the Northern Territory located in various regions including the McArthur Basin, South Nicholson Region, Barkly Region and in the Dunmarra Basin. The first tenure granted to Natural Resources Exploration was EL 27640 in the South Nicholson Region, which was granted on 20 April 2010. Within this first year of Natural Resources Exploration's exploration licence, Natural Resources Exploration has conducted XRF Assaying of all water bore cuttings available for each project area at the Northern Territory Department of Resources' ('the Department')Darwin Core Facility. This exploration activity was conducted in order to define mineral potential within the project areas. The XRF Assaying of water bore chips at the Darwin Core Facility involved: Delineation of all water bores drilled in the project areas; Compilation and data entry of all relevant information recorded at the time of drilling, including geology intersected and water chemistry; and Determination of water bore cuttings/chips available for XRF analysis held at the Darwin Core Facility. The XRF Analysis of available water bore cuttings held at the Darwin Core Facility has proved to be a valuable exploration activity undertaken by Natural Resources Exploration. The results of the mineral assays have greatly assisted Natural Resources Exploration in determining the mineral prospectivity of each of its project areas and specifically, in respect of each tenement. After compilation and detailed interrogation of all currently available data within each tenement with the XRF results, Natural Resources Exploration was provided with valuable insight into not only the mineral potential of each of its tenements but indicators for follow up exploration activities.
NOTEXRF and ALS of water bore cuttings
Document Type: Core Analysis
Date Added: 23-Mar-2017
Appears in Collections:Core Sampling Reports

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