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Title: Core sampling report
Report id: CSR0067
Year: 2011
Author: Moloney, M
Corporate Author: Strike Resources
Hume Mining
Element 92
Drillhole/Well Name: YG43RD;  Y207RD;  DAV 1;  CB29RD;  CBRD34;  SR11RD;  SR14RD;  SR6RD;  SR7RD;  Y205RD;  Y206RD;  Y309RD;  Y333RD;  YG15RD;  YG16RD;  YG17RD;  YG23RD;  YRD112;  Davis 1;  Newhaven 1;  SR12RD;  SR13RD;  Y179RD;  Y180RD;  Y181RD;  Y182RD;  Y204RD;  Y235RD;  Y323RD;  Y324;  Y325RD;  Y329RD;  Y334RD;  Y335RD;  Y337RD;  Y339RD;  Y344RD;  Y349RD;  YG19RD;  YG21RD
Abstract: XRF data allows for confirmation of historic uranium intersections. Shale-prone sections of the Mt Eclipse sandstone have generally higher magnetic susceptibility.
NOTE4928 core samples from these holes (CB29RD, CBRD34, CBRD35, DAV1, Davis1, Newhaven1, SR11RD, SR12RD, SR13RD, SR14RD, SR6RD, SR7RD, Y179RD, Y180RD, Y181RD, Y182RD, Y204RD, Y205RD, Y206RD, Y207RD, y235rd, Y323RD, Y324RD, Y325RD, Y329, Y333RD, Y334RD, Y335RD, Y336R, Y337RD, Y338RD, Y339RD, Y340RD, Y344RD, Y349RD, YG15RD, YG16RD, YG17RD, YG19RD, YG21RD, YG23RD, YG24RD, YG25RD, YG26RD, YG29RD, YG30RD, YG31RD, YG32RD, YG33RP, YG34RD, YG35RD, YG36RD, YG37RD, YG38RD, YG39RD, YG40RD, YG41RD, YG42RD, YG43RD, YG44RD, YG46RPD, YG47RP, YRD112, YRD119, YRD52, YRD66, YRD73)
See also CR1981-0255, CR1983-0087, CR1979-0050, CR1983-0086, CR1979-0069, CR1981-0302, CR1980-0236, CR1981-0255, PR1998-0098, PR1982-0011
Document Type: Core Analysis
Date Added: 23-Mar-2017
Appears in Collections:Core Sampling Reports

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