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Title: Technical report on Water Bore Analyses, Georgina and Wiso Basin
Report id: CSR0052
Year: 2009
Author: Blair, P
Corporate Author: Vale
Drillhole/Well Name: Waterbore holes
Abstract: In July 2009, VALE commissioned the CSIRO to test a number of historic water bore cuttings with a portable XRF. In total 2375 composite samples from 93 historic water bores were analysed. The water bore cuttings selected for testing were all from bores drilled in the Georgina and Wiso basins and were all housed in the Farrell Crescent core farm in Winnellie. The results confirmed the presence of phosphorite within some of the water bore cuttings. However, the nature of the small composite samples is such that the samples may not be representative and the results need to be treated with caution. This report details the work undertaken.
NOTEXRF of waterbore samples
Document Type: Core Analysis
Date Added: 23-Mar-2017
Appears in Collections:Core Sampling Reports

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