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Title: Report on BMR Airborne Geophysical Data, Larrimah and Daly Waters Area
Title Holder / Company: Pardi
Report id: PR0204-0001
Tenure: EP19
Year: 1988
Corporate Author: Salient Geophysics
Abstract: Salient Geophysics acquired the BMR Airborne Geophysical Data (Radiometric and Gravity) which was collected in 1987 over a part of the Northern Territory, to assess the significance of this data set in its petroleum exploration programme in parts of the Larrimah and Daly Waters sheet areas.
Document Type: Gravity Survey
Radiometric Survey
Date Added: 23-Mar-2017
Appears in Collections:Petroleum Geophysical Surveys (PEX Geophysics)

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PR0204-0001_Larrimah_Daly_Waters_AGRS_Interp_1988_Report.pdf553.03 kBPDF Add
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