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Title: 1969 Van Diemen Gulf Aeromagnetic Survey - Acquisition, Processing & Interpretation Report
Title Holder / Company: Flinders Petroleum
Peka Oil NL
Report id: PR1969-0017
Tenure: OP167
Year: 1969
Corporate Author: Compagnie Generale de Geophysique
Abstract: The 1969 Van Diemen Gulf Aeromagnetic Survey was carried out by Compagnie Generale De Geophysique on behalf of Flinders Petroleum NL within OP167 in the Northern Territory. The survey was able to obtain 1893 miles of magnetic profiles. The main objective of the survey was to resolve the geophysical evidence as to the thickness of the sedimentary section in the Dundas Strait and the eastern portion of Melville Island.
Intrusive and metamorphic Pre-Cambrian formations constitute the magnetic basement of the survey. The magnetic results show a shallow and rather flat basement. Further oil search does not seem favourable in the surveyed area.
Document Type: Magnetic Survey
Date Added: 23-Mar-2017
Appears in Collections:Petroleum Geophysical Surveys (PEX Geophysics)

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Magnetic_Interpretation_Map.pdf304.84 kBPDF Add
Van_Diemen_Gulf_AMS_1969_Acquisition_Processing_and_Interp_Report.pdf871.66 kBPDF Add
PR1969-0017_Position_Maps.zip618.72 kBZIP Add
PR1969-0017_Residual_Field_Intesity_Contour_Maps.zip1.05 MBZIP Add

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