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Title: 1962 Bathurst Island Refraction Survey - Acquisition and Processing Report
Title Holder / Company: Alliance Oil Development
Oil Development
Report id: PR1962-0013
Tenure: OP8
Year: 1962
Corporate Author: General Geophysical Company
Abstract: The 1962 Bathurst Island Refraction Survey was conducted by General Geophysics Company Ltd within OP8 on behalf of Oil development in the Money Shoal Basin, Northern Territory. The purpose of the proposed survey is to determine the depth to basement and the regional gradient of the surface of the basement rocks with the object of delineating the thickness section of prospective sediments on the island for reflection seismic survey.
The maximum depth of section above tentative Proterozoic is at the north west end of the island. Here the depth is 2,980 feet. Although only 5 widely separated profiles have been shot, as the shallow section indicated, the area offers little encouragement for further exploration.
Document Type: Seismic Acquisition
Seismic Processing
Date Added: 23-Mar-2017
Appears in Collections:Petroleum Geophysical Surveys (PEX Geophysics)

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