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Title: 2002 Interpretation of Regional Aeromagnetic & Gravity Data in the S.E. Bonaparte Basin, W.A. & N.T.
Title Holder / Company: Amity Oil
Report id: PR2002-0181
Tenure: EP66;  EP74;  RL1
Year: 2002
Corporate Author: Resource Potentials
Abstract: This report covers the compilation, processing and preliminary 'blind' geophysical interpretation of open file government aeromagnetic and gravity data which covers the southeastern portion of the Bonaparte Basin within the permits EP66, EP74, RL1 & EP386 (WA). A brief literature review was also carried out to tie the interpreted geophysical features to the regional geology, stratigraphy and basin evolution. The interpretation was carried out without the use of seismic data as a cost effective way assessing basement tectonics and identifying targets area where hydrocarbons generated in depocentres have the potential to migrate into structural and sedimentological traps.
Document Type: Gravity Survey
Date Added: 23-Mar-2017
Appears in Collections:Petroleum Geophysical Surveys (PEX Geophysics)

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PR2002-0181_Interpretation_Report_of_Regional_Aeromagnetic_Gravity_Data_in_Bonaparte_Basin.pdf56.25 MBPDF Add
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