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Title: 1985 Amadeus Basin Aeromagnetic Survey - Report
Title Holder / Company: Sydney Oil Company
Macquarie Oil
Placer Pacific
Seahawk Oil Australia
Pan Pacific Petroleum
Report id: PR1985-0036
Tenure: OP236
Year: 1985
Corporate Author: Geometrics
Abstract: An aeromagnetic survey of OP236 was flown by Geometrics International Corp. in late 1984 using the transverse gradiometer system. The primary objective of the survey was to map structures associated with the volcanic member of the Bitter Springs Formation. A secondary objective was to locate shallow noise zones that might be associated with magnetite reduction over a buried petroleum reservoir. Regional residual analysis of the magnetic data was successful in extracting information pertinent to three different levels of magnetic sources. Shallow sources are believed to be ironstone units that are conformable with the older sedimentary units. These have allowed mapping of anticline and syncline axes below the extensive sand dune cover. Intermediate depth anomalies are associated with a volcanic member of the Bitter Springs Formation while the deepest anomalies are
Modelling of some of the magnetic lines has shown that the Bitter Springs volcanic horizon can be mapped as a continuous undulating unit. The approximate depths and anticline locations can be interpreted from these models.
Document Type: Magnetic Survey
Date Added: 23-Mar-2017
Appears in Collections:Petroleum Geophysical Surveys (PEX Geophysics)

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PR19850036_Amadeus_AGS_1985_Preliminary_Interp_of_Amadeus_Aeromagnetic_Survey.pdf3.57 MBPDF Add
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