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Title: Beetaloo 2D Seismic Survey 2012 - Seismic Acquisition Support Data
Title Holder / Company: Falcon Oil & Gas Australia
Report id: PR0023-0001
Tenure: EP76;  EP98;  EP117
Year: 2013
Corporate Author: Terrex Spatial
Western Geco
Abstract: This survey is the completion of the program begun in 2011 by Geokinetics (PR2012-0003) and carried out by WesternGeco and Terrex.
NOTEField and processed data available on request. A hard drive must be supplied for requests over 50GB. Refer to seismic data list in PR0023-0002 for details.
Acquisition support data is also available from NTGS without the field data (37GB) - no charge.
Document Type: Seismic Data
Date Added: 23-Mar-2017
Appears in Collections:Petroleum Geophysical Surveys (PEX Geophysics)

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BeetalooSS_2011-2012_data_recording.txt1.04 kBText Add
Beetaloo_2DSS_2011-12_FileList_preliminary.xlsx19.79 kBMicrosoft Excel XML Add
PR00230001_Terrex_WesternGeco_SupportData.txt65 BText Add

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