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Title: 1991 McArthur Compensated Transient Electro-magentic (CTEM) Survey - Report
Title Holder / Company: Pacific Oil and Gas
Report id: PR0042-0001
Tenure: EP33
Year: 1992
Corporate Author: Pacific Oil and Gas
Abstract: The 1991 Compensated Transient Electro-magnetics (CTEM) Survey was carried out by Pacific Oil & Gas Ltd within EP33 in the McArthur Basin in the Northern Territory. This CTEM survey was a trial to assist in the identification of resistivity anomalies associated with oil and gas accumulations, using Elliott 1 and a seismic survey conducted earlier as stratigraphic control. Two EM sounds were made adjacent to seismic line MA91-103 to the north of Elliott 1, with the sounds interpreted using GRENDL program, for modelling layered earth structures.
Document Type: Magnetic Survey
Date Added: 23-Mar-2017
Appears in Collections:Petroleum Geophysical Surveys (PEX Geophysics)

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