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Title: Interpretation of Reprocessed Seismic Data in OP172 and OP57
Title Holder / Company: Beach Petroleum
Amerada Petroleum Corporation
Report id: PR1971-0004
Tenure: OP57;  OP172
Year: 1971
Corporate Author: DW Wales and Company
Abstract: The interpretation of reprocessed seismic data in OP172 and OP57 was done for the purpose of outlining areas of possible potentially interesting Permian thicknesses. The main work conducted was combining the reprocessed seismic data with unreprocessed data within the area of investigation in hope of obtaining a more reliable seismic mapping of the Permian section.
The interpretation of the reprocessed data did not provide a positive answer to the Permian thickness over the areas investigated however it did reveal the possibility of much thicker Permian section at Hale River and McDills within OP172.
Document Type: Seismic Interpretation
Date Added: 23-Mar-2017
Appears in Collections:Petroleum Geophysical Surveys (PEX Geophysics)

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