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Title: 1963 Amadeus Trough AMS - Interpretation Report of Airborne Magnetometer Survey
Title Holder / Company: Exoil
Report id: PR1963-0012
Tenure: OP78;  OP72
Year: 1963
Corporate Author: Aero Services Limited
Abstract: The 1963 Amadeus Trough Airborne Magnetometer survey was conducted by Aero Service Limited first in OP72 then in OP78 on behalf of Exoil Pty Ltd. The primary purpose of the aeromagnetic survey and the interpretation was to locate and define geologic information as it is reflected in the aeromagnetic records. This specifically would include the delineation of the basement surface by contouring the depth estimate obtained from the magnetic anomalies and the location of contacts, faults, intrusive and any other structural or lithologic information that may be indicated by the magnetic data.
Three generalised basement rock types can be delineated from the magnetics; basic, intermediate and acidic rock. No major sedimentary trough has been outlined.
Document Type: Magnetic Survey
Date Added: 23-Mar-2017
Appears in Collections:Petroleum Geophysical Surveys (PEX Geophysics)

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